How to End an Email Professionally: 10 Tips to Master

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Email is a professional tool. You should always end your emails in a polite and professional manner. Here are 10 tips to help you master the art of how to end an email professionally.

The 5 worst ways to end an email professionally

We’ve all been there. You’ve spent hours crafting the perfect email, only to ruin it with a clunky or unprofessional closing.

To avoid this, avoid ending your emails with these five phrases:

  1. “Thank you”
  2. “Best”
  3. “Sincerely”
  4. “Regards”
  5. “Cordially”

So, how should end an email professionally?

Now that you know how to start an email, it’s time to learn how to end an email professionally. Ending an email effectively is important, as it can leave a positive or negative impression on the reader.

Here are 10 tips for ending an email professionally:

  1. Avoid abrupt endings.
  2. Use a courteous closing.
  3. Thank the reader for their time.
  4. Establish contact information.
  5. Offer to answer any questions.
  6. Politely decline offers or requests.
  7. Mention any future correspondence.
  8. Thank the recipient again.
  9. Close with a friendly sentiment.
  10. Check for spelling and grammar mistakes

3 email closings to use when need something from the recipient

There are a few different email closings you can use when you need something from the recipient. Here are three of the most common:

  • “Sincerely,
  • “Best,
  • “regards”

5 email closings to use when you don’t need anything from the recipient

Now that you know how to end an email professionally, it’s time to learn when to use different email closings.

Sometimes you’ll need a response from the recipient, and in those cases, you’ll need to use a closing that asks for a response. But other times, you won’t need anything from the recipient and can use a more casual closing.

Here are five email closings to use when you don’t need anything from the recipient:

  1. Thanks!
  2. Regards,
  3. Best,
  4. Cheers, and
  5. Take care.

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End an email professionally with a call to action

One way to end an email is to ask the reader to take some kind of action.

For example, you might ask them to reply to your email, or to provide feedback.

This type of ending is particularly effective if you’re looking for a specific response from the reader, or if you need them to do something in order to continue the conversation.

However, it’s important to use this type of ending sparingly, as it can come across as pushy or demanding.

If you ask the reader to take action too often, they may start to ignore your emails altogether. Try only using this type of ending when it’s really necessary, and make sure that the request is clear and easy to follow.

How to end an email if you’re sending a resume

When you’re sending a resume, it’s important to end an email professionally note. Here are a few tips for doing so:

  • Thank the person for their time.
  • Mention that you look forward to hearing from them.
  • Express your enthusiasm for the position.
  • Let them know you’re available for an interview.
  • Thank them again for their time.

How to end an informal email

When emailing someone you already know well or a colleague, it’s acceptable to end your message with a less formal sign-off. Some examples include “Take care,” “Talk to you soon,” “Thanks,” or “Cheers.”

However, when emailing a potential client or someone you don’t know very well, it’s important to end your email with a more professional sign-off. Some examples of professional sign-offs include “Sincerely,” “Best,” or “Regards.”

How to end a formal email

Now that we’ve covered the basics of how to end an email, let’s take a look at some specific examples for formal emails.

The most formal way to end a formal email is with a courteous and professional closing such as “Sincerely,” “Best regards,” or “Best.” You can also simply type “Thank you” or “Thank you for your time.”

If you’re sending an email to someone you don’t know very well, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and use a more formal closing. However, if you have a more relaxed relationship with the recipient, feel free to use a less formal closing such as “Take care.”

Whatever closing you choose, make sure to always type it out in full, and don’t forget to add your name below it!

How to sign off an email if you don’t know the recipient

If you don’t know the recipient’s name, it’s best to just sign off with your name. For example, “Best, Sarah.” This will let the recipient know that the email is from you and they can reply if they have any questions.

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How to end an email if you do know the recipient

When you’re unsure of the recipient’s name, you can use a generic closing such as “Best,” “Sincerely,” or “Thank you.”

Here are a few examples of end an email professionally:

  • Best,
  • The Staff
  • Sincerely,
  • John Doe
  • Thank you,
  • Joan Robinson


When it comes to email, it’s important to end it on a positive note. You don’t want the recipient to feel like you just stopped talking to them out of nowhere.

With these 10 tips on how to end an email professionally, you’ll be able to end your emails like a pro and make a positive impression on the reader.

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