Report Writing Format For Class 12 & Best Examples 2022

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report writing format for class 12 is one of the most important topics of English writing skills and writing a perfect report writing format is very easy if you know how to write a report writing? But you don’t know. So this is a big problem for you.

But don’t worry, in this article, you will learn many hot topics like how to write report writing in English, best examples, and essential points of CBSE/ICSE class 12.

When you know the correct format of report writing well, nothing can stop you from scoring high marks.

What is Report Writing?

A report is a vivid/clear, and concise document organized for a particular purpose and audience.

What consists of an excellent report?

  • Clarity about the things to be presented in the report.
  • The report should be concise i.e., short and brief – to the point.
  • The report must have its meaning – to provide certain/specific information; It can be about anything, whether it is an incident or an accident or a trip.

Where do you need to write a report?

One may have to write a report for the school magazine, journal, and newspaper, etc.

Most Important Tips of Report Writing Format for Class 12

There are some important tips to keep in mind while writing a suitable report writing format for class 12 in English.

  • It must be written in past tense.
  • You should not use first person pronouns.
  • You should only use THIRD PERSON PRONOUNS.
  • The content should be written in Passive Voice.
  • You should use INDIRECT SPEECH.
  • It should not be more than 200 words or as per the question’s demand.
  • You should decide the story (in mind) before start writing the report, so, that you won’t get stuck in between while writing a report in exam.

Format of Report Writing for Students

You must have seen many report writing formats, but this one can help you to a great extent. So, let’s see which form you should use for report writing.

There are five important points to include while report writing format:

1. Heading

Write the heading in the first line in capital letters in the middle of the report, and it contains the crisp and short event name.

The heading may have been given in the question itself. Otherwise, you will have to write a suitable heading according to yourself.

2. Reported by / by

It is written in the right-hand corner of the report and mandatory to include the reporter’s name. If that reporter has any designation, you can put that too but in brackets.

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3. Place

It’s written in the left corner from where you are writing the report. Ex – Assam

4. Date

Write the date just below the place, and mention the date should be like this:

6th January, 20XX, or

January 6th, 20XX.

Don’t write the date in DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY format.

5. Body

The body of a report should be written in 3 categories;

An introduction

The introduction should be of three lines.

1st line will talk about:

  • What report is about, about what situation/event/trip?
  • When that situation/event/trip took place?
  • Where that situation/event/trip took place?
  • Who makes that situation/event/trip happen?

Above things tell us situation/event/trip, i.e., try to answer the what, when, where, and who about the item.

2nd line should be about the reason telling why that action happened!

3rd line should be talking about the number of participants like- how many volunteers or members were there in the event, which will make your report look more good.

The Main Content

Keeping in mind the word limit will briefly describe the incident/accident/travel. And also a fluency should be maintained as in CBSE class 11 and class 12, the examine, who will be reading your report, will feel completely stuck.

The ideas and things that will be part of this main content should be relevant, and you should not try to have a personal opinion of your own.

Remember to write it in the third person rather than the first person.

Ignore the use of I/We type of pronouns in report writing.

The Conclusion

Finally, we end the report writing, and the last part should only end on a positive note.

You should write the last part because the members or volunteers of an event were full of enthusiasm and positive energy. Therefore, even if the report is related to an accident, you should end the report with a positive point.

Simply through your writing saying that everything is under control and the bad times have passed.

Report Writing Examples for Class 12 Students

Intending to provide more clarity on report writing, below are two questions for you to answer, read them one at a time to perform better in your exam.

This question will deal with the report writing format for an event.

Q1. Mr. Ranbir, head of TUM HO, an NGO, visited St. Paul’s International School on February 27th, 2018, to give a speech on “CLIMATE CHANGE and ITS IMPACTS.” He specifically highlighted “THE DUMPING OF PLASTIC WASTE IN HIMALAYAN FOOTHILLS,” and you are required to write a REPORT on it.


Place: St. Paul’s International School, Patna                                                                             Reported By: Shamsher

Date: 27th February, 20XX

On 27th February, 2018, our school organized a session on “Global Warming” in our school premises where the students of our school got the chance to hear from Mr. Ranbir, head of TUM HO(an NGO) about Climate Change and its impacts. It was a one-day event to educate the students about Global Warming and Climate Change. Around 150 students were there to listen to Mr. Ranbir.

The event had attended by five distinguished guests who were Environmentalists and Scientists. It organized motive in mind to educate the students about the wrongdoings of ours, because of which mother nature is suffering. Mr. Ranbir, who is ahead of an NGO that works in the Himalayan Foothills, talks about the “Dumping of plastic waste in the Himalayan Foothills.” He highlighted the behavior of the tourists who left plastic wastes here and there, which is affecting the fertility of the soil and affecting mother nature at large. He asked us to treat nature as a precious possession of ours.

By the end of his speech, everyone presented there, be it teachers or students or school staff, all agreed with what he said, and everyone took an oath to treat nature – as a very precious possession of humanity.

  • Suggest: Some Important Topics of English Writing Skills for class 12 students

Q2. A fire broke out in a COVID – 19 dedicated hospitals in Mumbai, at around 1 am, on March 15th, 2021, resulting in fatalities of two hospital staff whose families later received ex gratia of ₹2lakh each from the government of Maharashtra. You are required to write a report on it.


Place: Mumbai                                                                                     Reported by: Sarangdhar

Date: 15th April,2021

The country woke up with heart-breaking news on March 15th, 2021, when the countrymen read an article on a fire broke out incident which happened on March 15th, 2021, at around 1 am, in a COVID-19 dedicated hospital, in Mumbai, in which two hospital staffs lost their lives. The reason of fire broke out was short-circuit. There were some 30 patients in that hospital at that time, and they saved all.

The mishap allowed the oppositions to frame the government guilty of mismanagement, while in defense, the government had ordered an inquiry whose result is still awaited. In addition, to request an urgent investigation, the CM of Maharashtra announced an ex gratia of ₹2lakh each for the family of the two hospital staff, who lost their lives.

The public reaction to the incident was of asking questions to the authorities and asking answers in return. Many online petitions were being signed and sent to the government by thousands of people. Public outcry was huge, and the people are waiting for the inquiry’s findings. It was pretty evident that masses were in no mood to get themselves treated in fractured health infrastructure with the irresponsible government.

After that incident and that substantial public outcry, the authorities are out of their deep slumber. They are now doing or taking every possible step to ensure that no such incident happens again.

Report Writing Topics for Class 12

There are some most important topics for CBSE class 12 which are more likely to appear in the exam.

  • Report writing on road accident
  • Blood Donation Camp
  • Annual Sports Day Celebration
  • School Annual Day Function
  • Independence day celebration in college
  • Fire Broke Out and Crime
  • A trip organised by your school/institution

Marking Scheme of Report Writing Class 12

Mainly in CBSE / ICSE class 12th exams, report writing format questions are asked in 120 to 150 words with no grammar and spelling mistakes. Therefore, if you want to achieve full marks, don’t create any error, leading to a deduction.

The marking scheme of report writing below:

Report Writing Format 01 Mark
Content 02 Marks
Expression [1 Coherence and Cohesion + 1 Accuracy] 02 Marks
Total 05 Marks
Suggest: Format of Report Writing

Let us revise some topics you must command before getting a command on report writing format for CBSE Class 11 & Class 12.

Let’s have some talks over what are:

  • Passive Voice, &
  • Indirect Speech

What is Passive Voice?

Voices are of 2 types.

  1. Active Voice
  2. Passive Voice

Let me explain this with the help of an example.

She sings a song. (Active Voice)

A song is sung by me. (Passive Voice)

In Active Voice, the subject does the action or is the doer. She sings a song, here she is the subject and the subject, she is doing the work or is the doer.

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In Passive Voice, the object does the action or is the doer. A song is sung by me, who sang a song? The object. Who is the object, here?

The object here is She.

Let’s have a look at some more examples:

He helped me. – Active Voice

I was helped by him. – Passive Voice

He teaches us Physics. – Active Voice

We are taught Physics by him. – Passive Voice

What is Indirect Speech?

Speech is of two types:

  1. Direct Speech
  2. Indirect Speech

Speech is an act of presenting the words of a speaker.

In Direct Speech, the exact words of the speaker are quoted and are enclosed in “.

In Indirect Speech, the speaker’s exact words are concerted or said/written in a simple language without quoting his actual words and even without enclosing any phrase in “.

Let’s have a look at some examples:

He says, “She is a student.” – Direct Speech

He says that she is a student. – Indirect Speech

She said to her child, “Truth always win.” – Direct Speech

She told her child that truth always wins. – Indirect Speech

FAQs: Report Writing Format for Class 12

Q1. What is the format of a report?

Heading, Reported By, Place, Date, and Body is the correct format of the report.

Q2. What are the types of report writing?

There are eight significant types of report writing:

  1. Formal or Informal Reports
  2. Short or Long Reports 
  3. Informational or Analytical Reports
  4. Proposal Report 
  5. Vertical or Lateral Reports
  6. Internal or External Reports
  7. Periodic Reports
  8. Functional Reports. 
Q3. Is there a box in report writing?

There is no box in report writing.

A good percentage requires a proper report writing format for class 12 students. According to the reader, if your paper presentation is suitable, you will be set excellent English writing skills.

Report writing format for class 12: Any doubt regarding to report writing examples and format, connect our team.

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